The Science of Wine, Exploratorium

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Acid Test


  • St. Supéry Sauvignon Blanc
  • Meridian Sauvignon Blanc

Try This

  • Take a sip of Meridian and notice how it tastes and feels in the mouth. Does it have a tang to it or is it soft? Now try the St. Supéry. Do you notice a difference? Which do you like better?
  • Now, nibble on a cracker topped with goat cheese. Taste the two wines again. Which wine do you prefer with the food?

What's Going On?

The St. Supéry has higher acidity than the Meridian Sauvignon Blanc. Acid is a natural component of wine grapes; usually, grapes grown in cooler climates have higher acidity. You detect acidity on the sides and back of your tongue. You may notice that the St. Supéry makes your mouth water. Very high-acid wine can set your teeth on edge; some people describe the wine as steely or sharp. Low-acid wines are often called soft or supple (although some people call them flabby or flat). Acidic drinks, like a tangy glass of lemonade, can be crisp and refreshing, but not everyone likes the sourness of high-acid wines if they’re just sipping the wine without food. Often, however, higher-acid wine goes better with food.

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