Origins: From Jungle to Lab.  The Story of Life's Complexity
Picture: Pinned Insect
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Drying Room

This unassuming hut is the drying room. Fitted with racks and heaters, it is used for drying collected specimens like leaves and insects, which would otherwise rot in the humid heat.

Most biological research involves collecting and preserving at least one “voucher specimen,” a specimen that represents the population being studied. By doing this, researchers can be sure if they’re talking about the same species. Many of these voucher specimens end up in collections like the ones at London’s Natural History Museum , so that scientists can refer to them in the future.

image: drying room image: inside the drying room
image: voucher specimen image: drying leaves

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Origins: Exploratorium: From Jungle to Lab

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Origins From Jungle to Lab: The Story of Life's Complexity Origins Exploratorium From Jungle to Lab