Origins: From Jungle to Lab.  The Story of Life's Complexity
Picture: Pinned Insect
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A pile of fresh-cut wood attracts dozens of harlequin beetles. Huge and gloriously colored, these beetles give a terrifying hiss when threatened.

image: Jon Martin Entomologist Jon Martin , delighted to find harlequin beetles massing and mating, explains that the beetles like to lay their eggs on newly fallen timber, which then becomes a food supply for the larvae.

“This place is uncomfortable. The bugs and flies are particularly unpleasant. It’s a frontier of sorts. Anywhere you go, you’re going to find new things.”—Jon Martin, Entomologist



image: harlequin beetle

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Origins: Exploratorium: From Jungle to Lab

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Origins From Jungle to Lab: The Story of Life's Complexity Origins Exploratorium From Jungle to Lab