Origins: From Jungle to Lab.  The Story of Life's Complexity
Picture: Pinned Insect
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Marcella Kelly

Marcella Kelly

"Lots of people are interested in jaguar conservation, and 'camera trapping' is one way to get information on this very elusive species."
—Marcella Kelly

Marcella Kelly, Jaguars

"I am an ecologist by training and a conservationist at heart. My goal is that my research on jaguars will help solidify Belize's place as a major jaguar stronghold and thus ensure permanent protection for these magnificent animals."
—Marcella Kelly

Marcella Kelly Camera trapping Jaguars Jaguar images Marcella Kelly

Origins: Exploratorium: From Jungle to Lab

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Origins From Jungle to Lab: The Story of Life's Complexity Origins Exploratorium From Jungle to Lab