Seeing: The Seeing Gallery
Past Exhibitions
Untitled No. 133 : On the Edge of Falling
Liminality: Art on the Threshold
Math and the Night Sea: The Square Wave and The Round Wave
In the Land of the Lilliputian
Light as an Artistic Medium 1930/2005
Sculptural Information
Natural Reflections
Art Life
Cutting Edge
Liquid Time

February 17 - May 30, 2005
Artists have used nature as a metaphor for exploring the human condition for thousands of years, in works ranging from enigmatic paintings on cave walls to interactive works of digital media. In Natural Reflections , four artists—Binh Danh, Claudia Hart, Vanessa Renwick, and John Slepian—examine the boundaries of our ideas of "natural" and "unnatural" and the ways in which human experience both constructs and constrains our understanding of the world around us. Are we really part of nature? Are humanity and nature growing farther apart as our technologies, and the powers they give us, continue to grow and expand?

The artworks featured in this exhibition use ideas of nature to illuminate fundamental issues of human cultures. The transitory quality of existence, the illusory permanence of history, the relationship between predator and prey, and even our perception of time itself—all are reflected in these innovative works.
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at the Palace of Fine Arts, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123